
Women Taking a Stance
Our Violence Against Women and Gender-Based Violence Prevention programs provide supportive avenues for women, including trans, non-binary, and anyone who identifies as a woman, to help them work through the trauma.
Fresh Start for Women Program
We’re committed to supporting women who have experienced domestic and sexual violence. This program helps women who have suffered trauma to make a fresh start.
Services are safe, confidential, and free
Aims to reduce violence against women through individual counselling and support groups
Encourages women to find their voice and build confidence
Partners with Embrave, a shelter providing transitional housing for women
Accompanies clients to court, when appropriate, and advocates on their behalf
Makes referrals to other supporting agencies
We help over 100 women and dependent children through our program each year
Funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Gender Based Violence Prevention Program
The Gender-Based Violence Prevention (GBVP) program works in collaboration with the Safe Centre of Peel (SCoP) which addresses the needs of people experiencing family and intimate partner violence. The program:
- Provides services that are safe, confidential, and free
- Focuses on women, especially trans women and those who have been trafficked
- Is a space where women feel they can speak up and be heard
- Provides wrap-around services augmented by strong working relationships with off-site and other community partners
- Based primarily at the Safe Centre of Peel (SCoP), a co-located, integrated and coordinated hub at the Davis Centre, 60 West Drive, Brampton
Funded by the Canadian Women’s Foundation
Contact our Client Service Navigator at 905-455-6789 ext. 125 or email intake@rootscs.org to schedule an appointment or to learn more
Social Enterprising & Entrepreneurial Development (SEED) Program
Our SEED program helps racialized women develop entrepreneurial skills and enhance employment readiness. It offers women an opportunity to build their confidence, find their voice, and provides a forum to express themselves.
Our program offers:
- A supportive, empowering space to help women launch or grow their businesses
- A safe space for women healing from trauma and gender-based violence
- Access to culturally-sensitive individual counselling and supports
- Comprehensive guidance in building a successful business through our 12-week workshop
- Training in administration, marketing, finance, merchandising, networking, digital literacy, distribution, and other key business skills
- Mentorship by experienced business professionals and support in preparing a business plan
- Support with child-minding and transportation costs as needed
Funded by the Office of Women's Social and Economic Opportunity in the Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services
Contact our SEED team at seed@rootscs.org to learn more or call us at 905-455-6789 ext. 173
Internet Safe Use
- Clear browsing and search history as often as you can.
- Change all passwords and do not enable “remember my password”.
When setting up or changing your password, choose a secret question that is unknown to the abuser. - Do not accept friend requests from unknown users and confirm the identity of known users before accepting the request. It is very easy for someone to make a fake account or pretend to be someone else.
- Go through the privacy settings on all accounts and keep all accounts private.
- Never post personal information online (for example, your location, your employer).
- Be mindful of what can be seen in photos you upload (for example, street signs, familiar landmarks).
- When downloading apps, turn location off.
- Talk to your friends and family about what they are posting online that the abuser may see.
- Delete the abuser off your accounts and request your friends and family to delete the abuser as well.
- Consider also deleting any contacts you may have who are associated or friends with the abuser. The abuser can use their friends to contact you or retrieve information.
- Talk to your children about what they post online, accepting friend requests, and responding to unknown messages.
- If you are receiving unwanted contact from the abuser, or are being threatened online or through text message, keep a record of the communication and your effort to end contact. If there is a no-contact order in place, do not reply and report to Police.
Make a difference!
We cannot do it alone and so rely on you – our funders, donors, volunteers – to help us build a strong community that holds a brighter future for our children and youth, a peaceful place for our seniors, and a safe and clean environment for everyone. There are a few ways you can help to make a difference. Which one will you choose?
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