
Forming Strong Family Bonds
The bedrock of a vibrant community is healthy, happy individuals and strong, cohesive families. However, there are many positive factors that are required to ensure individuals and families become and remain strong contributors to the growth of their community.
Building Healthy Families - Peel CAS
In partnership with the Peel Children’s Aid Society, The Building Healthy Families – Peel CAS program delivers culturally-appropriate counselling to those who struggle with many intersectional challenges as parents. The goal of this program is to improve outcomes for child welfare clients, with emphasis on parenting, safety, family stability, permanency, conflict resolution, and well-being. The program:
Provides safe and confidential individual counselling services
Offers compassionate, respectful and non-judgemental services from qualified staff
Helps clients develop and practice effective and positive parenting skills
Helps families stay together as they are counselled through difficult situations
Clients are referred to us through this program by Peel Children’s Aid Society
The Akoma Wraparound Project – Peel CAS
This project, a partnership with Peel Children’s Aid Society, Free For All Foundation and the Black Community Action Network, aims to provide wraparound services to youth and their families involved with Peel CAS that would enable them to develop needed community support. The program:
Pairs the youth with a wraparound worker who collaborates with the family, Peel CAS and other community agencies, to foster an environment of understanding
Provides clients with culturally-sensitive and appropriate counselling; and techniques to help them practice effective and positive-influencing skills
Allows families to receive services that are better suited to their particular situation from providers who understand the unique challenges faced by Black communities
Building Healthy Families – Halton CAS
The Building Healthy Families – Halton CAS program aims to reduce the disproportionality and disparities of Black youth involved with the Halton Children’s Aid Society. Black youth in care at Halton CAS is more than 10 times that of the Black population in Halton Region. The program
Objective is to reduce the disproportionate number of Black youth in care through one-on-one and group counselling of youth and their families
Collaborates with the school boards and other community agencies on preventative activities that would divert calls to the Halton CAS to our program
Reduce the disproportionate number of Black youth in care through one-on-one and group counselling of youth and their families
Provides clients with culturally-sensitive and appropriate counselling and techniques to help them cope with the situations that cause them to be involved with CAS
Mental Wellness Program
We provide deep clinical intervention with parents/guardians and other caregivers to help youth develop healthy minds and a strong will to be successful. In this program we work with youth, 13 years and over, and their families who are experiencing one or more of the following:
Anxiety, stress, depression, indecision, fear, suicidal tendencies, lack of confidence
Dilemma about future career path, guilt, self-doubt, constantly overwhelmed, angry
Poor self-esteem, lack of motivation, poor time management skills
Relationship issues, family conflicts, indulging in self-harm
- We also offer experiential group counselling for youth and/or parents
Sessions are delivered by a registered psychotherapist
Contact our Client Service Navigator at 905-455-6789 ext. 125 or email intake@rootscs.org to schedule an appointment or for more information.
Make a difference!
We cannot do it alone and so rely on you – our funders, donors, volunteers – to help us build a strong community that holds a brighter future for our children and youth, a peaceful place for our seniors, and a safe and clean environment for everyone. There are a few ways you can help to make a difference. Which one will you choose?
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