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Youth Mentoring Program - Developing Black Leaders Of Tomorrow

The Black Leaders of Tomorrow (BLT) program is a business mentoring program for Black youth who wish to embark on the journey of becoming business professionals. It also caters to Black youth who have already begun their journey to entrepreneurship and wish to reap the benefits of having a mentor.

This engaging initiative offers the opportunity for Black youth (mentees) to be mentored by a seasoned professional who supports them in developing business and professional skills. Mentees develop the skills that they need to succeed as professionals, learning how to attract investors and gain access to capital

Mentees attend innovative workshops and group meetups and hone their business and personal skills while having access to a supportive network. Embedded within the BLT program is an understanding of Black cultural identity and what it means to navigate the business world as an individual who identifies as Black.

Mentee Benefits

    • Hone your business skills
    • Be mentored by a Black business professional with ongoing support
    • Be eligible to obtain an honorarium upon successful completion of the program
    • Prepare a business plan to hone business analysis and problem-solving skills
    • Engage in meaningful discussions about Black cultural identity and the upliftment of Black, African and Caribbean communities
    • Networking opportunities

Mentor Benefits

    • Develop strong leaders of tomorrow
    • Become a member of a network of Black professionals
    • Gain personal fulfillment and satisfaction from helping to develop promising young business leaders
    • Engage in meaningful discussions about Black cultural identity and the upliftment of Black, African and Caribbean communities
    • Networking opportunities

Mentee Eligibility

Apply Now
    • Identify as a Black youth
    • Aged 16-24
    • Have or aspire to hone skills for professional and business success
    • Reside in the Region of Peel
    • Have a passion/talent that you’d like to develop
    • Embrace Black cultural identity

Mentor Eligibility

Apply Now
    • Experienced business owner or leader
    • Aged 25 years or older
    • Dedicated to year-round support
    • Have a passion for helping Black youth

Contact our BLT team at  905-455-6789 ext. 118 , or by email

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